Winter brewing

Latest efforts in early October included a Spate and then Beckstones Bitter with Saaz Hops.Seduced by a promise of floral notes, this lager hop produced a brew that’s just not right – equivalent to a tea and coffee mix.


and so to later in the month with a Mild with the Chocolate backed off slightly, an Alice brewed with Amarillo hops, and then dry hopped. Finally a Gaits Ale brewed to type.


December and a ‘classic’ IPA as well as another Wynd Cascade based IPA. Final brew of the year a repeat Slack Alice into barrels for Ben Usher.

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Wadworths Brewery Visit

A short visit to the renowned brewery in Devizes.

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A bit short on real brewing knowledge from the tour guide, and nothing divulged on malts and hops in use. Interesting that mash temp was a regular 67 +/-1 deg.

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Coopers and sign writers on site

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and of course, the Dray horses

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March Bottlings

First in the month a full 20l batch IPA, Pale malt only (not Golden Promise) and the Golding, Progress and Styrian Golding hop combination. Then, a further try at a Spate – a copper bitter this time with Fuggles and Progress – chasing a spicy, earthy flavour.


Then a couple of of beer experiments. Late in the month, my usual Wyeast West Yorkshire 1469 split batched with the Wyeast 1098 British Ale in the IPA and with the Wyeast 1099 Whitbread in the Slack Alice.



February Bottlings

Two Beckstones Bitters – Challenger as the base hop, then EK Goldings and challenger  against East Kent Goldings and Styrian Goldings as the flavouring hops.


and later in the month a Mils to the ‘established’ recipe – part bottled, part barrelled, and then a Slack Alice


November Brew Bottlings

So here were two efforts to create a Christmas style brew. Not the sticky dark and ridiculously strong Christmas ales you normally find and can get as kits, but something  bit more subtle.


Tasting pre- and post fermentation, the ‘Christmas’ flavours added seem to have been over powered by the hops, leaving just a subtle hint of fruit and spice. Give a week or two and we will see how it turns out.