August Brewings

After a break in July, what with holidays and visitors,  couple of repeat tuning brews.

Gaits with a return to an earlier (#8) version and an APA although the Citra hops were a bit tired.


More May bottlings

In preparation for Christmas – here’s this years Christmas Special. Its an Ale base with a goodly hint of orange and cinnamon. Snog!.   And a repeat Slack Alice.


May Bottlings



After a really moderate Beckstones with Saaz hops, its a return to the Golding hop for a summer bitter. Touch of Citra to lift the flavours. Spate to the ‘usual’ recepie


Bike Rides

Here’s a few snaps from recent bike trips. Given we go out practically every week, sometimes twice, its poor that we have so few pictures.

Anyway here’s when we dropped in at the Bombay Sapphire Factory Bar IMG_1905 IMG_1907

and here’s our monster Christmas Eve ride drop in at the Northbrook armsIMG_1910 IMG_1911

Winter brewing

Latest efforts in early October included a Spate and then Beckstones Bitter with Saaz Hops.Seduced by a promise of floral notes, this lager hop produced a brew that’s just not right – equivalent to a tea and coffee mix.


and so to later in the month with a Mild with the Chocolate backed off slightly, an Alice brewed with Amarillo hops, and then dry hopped. Finally a Gaits Ale brewed to type.


December and a ‘classic’ IPA as well as another Wynd Cascade based IPA. Final brew of the year a repeat Slack Alice into barrels for Ben Usher.

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