Mexico Day 2 – Jungle exploring at Calakmul

A quick look round in daylight at the hotel ‘ecovillage’ site and take a picture of our lodge, and then breakfast.
Its an early 8am start as we head of into the jungle. Half an hour on the main road and then 40 mins down a one way road to find a Museum introducing the Bisophere that is the Calakmul protected area.
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Then a further hour drive on tracks deep into the jungle to get to the main Calakmul site.
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Calakmul was the main Mayan city in the classical period 600 – 1000AD.  It boasts a 50m high stepped pyramid thats the highest in Mexico, and from the top gives views all around.
Theres a lot of other buildings and temples on the site including the ‘fight to the death’ ball court. All still pretty much undisturbed, and very much in the jungle.
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A long retun journey to get lunch at 4pm. Beer for tea  then 🙂

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