Monthly Archives: April 2015

Speedway with the Poole Pirates

Encouraging Will to take a break from his tough study program on the run up to his finals, we took a night out at the Speedway

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Just an excellent night out, with a superb final race which meant the match ended in a draw

Rick Steins at Winchester

Courtesy of Cisco and our fine Leader, Tim Hicks, our small but perfectly formed team at work had a fun fund lunch at the new Rick Stein Restaurant in Winchester.

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So that was the starters, on to the mains:

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and for puddings, three of us had the same thing, so just two pictures

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Beautiful !

Thanks Tim

Spend, Spend, Spend !

After Julies big win on the local village lottery draw, it was a special meal out at the Dew Pond, Burghclere. We hadn’t been for a while (well over a year) and with mixed interim reports, weren’t so sure.


We, we needn’t have worried. The restaurant was full so had a great atmosphere, the service was excellent slightly understated for a fancy restaurant, but it better that way.

A table d’hote type menu with 5-6 choice for each for 3 courses for £35. I had scallops and choritzo starter with a fillet steak main. Julie had the Sea Bream

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All beautifully cooked and tasting great!. I had the tasting selection of sweets, Julie had the chocolate thingy.

A really nice evening!